Aims & Values

We, the Directors of Nightingale Holistic Services Limited, promise to support our service users to develop in an environment that resists institutional practices and rejects authoritarian attitudes, yet functions according to current legislation and the health and social care standards of regulatory authorities.

We will respect the individual choices and decisions our service users make and will support them to reach their aims and goals safely. We will endeavour to help our service users manage social situations and enable them, as far as possible, to take their place as citizens within the local community.

We will ensure our service users live in a safe and secure environment and support them to develop their own personal space to reflect their own identity. We will support them to maintain valued relationships with family and friends and offer opportunities for them to form new social networks.

We will take account of and support any spiritual or religious need, community ritual or similar in which our individual service users express an interest or traditionally participate in.

We will do our utmost to ensure our service users experience a quality of life they wish for themselves, and support them as they progress towards their identified aims. We will ensure that our service users have a voice and protect their right to equality and community inclusion at all times.

We will support our service users to take part in, engage, practice and learn about the daily living skills that are required to become an independent tenant in their own home to maintain their dignity, develop self esteem and a sense of belonging.

We will ensure that our staff receive ongoing and up to date training to enable them to meet the needs of our service users and to support them through change.

This philosophy of care underpins the service we provide to young adults with autism and learning disabilities and forms the basis of our mission statement.

Please find below our Service User Guides in standard and easy read formats